Bad Bank: Fire Hydrant

This was an extra credit ('Fire Hydrant') project done at the end of the MIT 'Digital Transformation' course. It involved JSON database work, Javascript / Node.js UI development, the use of Bootstrap CSS styles for UI design and Client-Server communication.

  • Date:Jan 30, 2022
  • Certificate: MIT PE


An exercise involving the extension of starter code. This also utilized GitHub for project launch (clone MIT starter repo) and GitHub best practices, concerning structure, creating a GitHub MarkDown file, etc.

  • Date:Mar 6, 2022
  • Category:Certification
  • Client:MIT xPRO
  • GitHub: PacMen

Eye Exercise

An exercise involving the extension of starter code. Continued use of GitHub with an eye toward building this Portfolio, this was an excellent way to build GitHub skills.

  • Date:Mar 7, 2022
  • Category:Certification

Real-Time Bus Tracker

Learning the use of Map services, Live Data Fetching, Map rendering, panning, and control. An excellent learning experience that turned out to be directly applicable to other work. This really opened my mind, revealing how Apps like DoorDash, UBER, and the like, actually function.

  • Date:Mar 15, 2022
  • Category:Certification

Shopping Cart

An exercise involving the extension of starter code. This continued use of GitHub building this Portfolio, this added interactions with external servers for data.

  • Date:June 14, 2022
  • Category:Certification
  • Live App: Cart App

Bad Bank React App

Rebuilt from scratch as a 'create-react-app' with REACT v18. This was a major refactoring of the Bad Bank App that was done as a pure HTML site during the MIT Digital Transformation course.

  • Date:July 6, 2022
  • Category:Certification
  • Live App: Bad Bank

more coming...