
This is a portfolio of my work over the years. The creation of this portfolio was a deliverable for the MIT xPRO: Professional Certificate in Coding: Full Stack Development with MERN. I used the technology from the course to built this modern website in order to showcase my course work and some of my major professional projects as well.

what i can do.


Developing new Websites and App generated reports with the latest technology.


App and SASS generated Style Sheets for Websites and custom App generated reports.

JavaScript 5

ECMAScript 5/6 (ES5/6), TypeScript, Open Source GitHub Projects... the language of the Web.


Edge computing, industrial strength 24-7-365 Apps for the Factory Floor in .NET on WINCE or WIN10. Apps running non-stop in automotive plants over 10-years.


Programmable Logic Controllers, an integral part of developing robust 24-7-365 process and automation control.


Rapid development with Microsoft Excel, VBA, Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) to prototype Tools for the Plant Floor data collection and monitoring.


Git, GitHub, together with my own MCODE Coding Style and MDS process developed over three decades of customer support.


Collobration, Safe Source Code Storage, Revision History, Software Distribution, a complete Code Management System.

VS Code, VS Studio

From Visual Studio 2008 for Windows CE Apps, to Visual Studio 2022 for Windows 10 Apps, to Visual Studio Code for Web Sites and Cloud-based Apps.

what i'm learning.


MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, meaning fields can vary from document to document and data structures can be changed over time. This is refered to as No-SQL data storage.

Express JS

Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.


A JavaScript library for building user interfaces; developed and maintained by Facebook Open Source.

Node JS

A JavaScript library for building scalable network applications. Initially developed for Server side backends, now used for the full stack.


Strapi an open-source Headless Content Management System (CMS), allowing developers to use their favorite tools and frameworks while allowing editors to manage and distribute it anywhere.


A query language developed by Facebook to support building responsive Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Next JS

A React (Node JS) Framework that supports building production websites with minimal effort.


IT courses from MIT providing education and coding certification in MongoDB/Strapi, Express JS, React/GraphQL, and Node JS/Next JS (MERN).

Q# Quantum

Self-study of the Q# language from Microsoft and the current state of Quantum computing and its software applications.

what i do for fun.