family - 03 nov, 2021

Benjamin Carter Medlyn is born!

A miracle baby.

Ben wasn't supposed to arrive until the end of December but Nikki's water broke the first night she arrived in Dallas for her brother Adam's wedding! Nikki attended the wedding from a hospital bed guarding Ben, she even wore her dress for the occasion!

Quick... get the Family SUV!

After Chad and Nikki were told that Nikki could not leave the hospital until after Ben's normal due date (which has late December) everyone agreed they needed the family SUV (a Toyota 4Runner) in Dallas for the long haul.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles...

Chad and I flew back to Reno, Nevada with Calvin to get the 4Runner. Dropped Calvin off at Home with Grandpa and Grandma and drove non-stop (30 Hours) back to Dallas with the family SUV.

Benjamin Carter Medlyn

Two days after making it back to Dallas, Ben was born!

November 03, 2021 12:03 PM - 3 lb 12 oz (11/3/21/12/3/3/12)

I was able to be in the delivery room for the birth, standing behind Nikki, taking pictures of my new grandson being born!

Nikki and Ben go home for Thanksgiving!

Ben did so well that he was able to go home for Thanskgiving, almost a month earlier than expected! The staff at the Medical City Dallas NICU said they had never seen a 8-week premature baby so strong and ready to go!

Congratulations to Nikki, Chad and the new Big Brother Calvin!

Tags: family, dallas, baby

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